Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Homework Expectations

Homework in the Calgary Board of Education is regulated by Administrative Regulation 3066 – Homework.
In grade 4 it is recommended that families set aside up to 20 minutes each evening for home study.

Homework will consist of:

1. Weekly Math Practice

This will be based on what we have been working on in the classroom and at the students' levels. By doing this, students are given the opportunity to continuously practice what they have already learned without having hours of homework, and are more likely to master the skills as they continue to practice. While a majority of each night’s homework is review, new skills are also practiced.  

2. Reading at Home
Students are encouraged to set a home reading goal for themselves. The goal could be for the number of books they will read in grade 4 and/or the amount of time they will read each month. We ask the students to share on a monthly basis what they have read with their teacher by writing a quick letter about the book they read. 
No homework should exceed a total of 20 minutes per evening.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Back to School

Here are some "Need to Know" items for the first week back to school: 

Water Bottles: If your child could bring a water bottle for class that would be greatly appreciated. Please send it filled and they will have an opportunity at FAB as well as lunch to refill it as necessary. This helps to cut down on the trips out of the classroom during instruction and work periods. 

Absences: If your child needs to miss school for any reason please send an email to If you can't email the absence then please ensure that you have called them main office at 403-817-3540 so that we can have accurate information for our attendance system. Thank you for your support with this. 

Welcome Back!

Mr. O'Connor

I want to welcome your daughter/son to Grade 4! New beginnings come with excitement and wonder. New friends, old friends and a new teacher!

Let me tell you a few things about my background. The school year 2019-2020 marks my fourth year here at Auburn Bay School. I have taught in different places. Before Auburn Bay, I taught at Maple Ridge ES and Cappy Smart ES in Calgary. For several years, I taught at Tyler ES in Manassas, Virginia. Before that, I taught at a secondary school in Toronto. My pastimes include going to movies, walking/hiking, concerts, listening to music and reading novels. I enjoy spending time with my family and our cat Mimosa. She is 14 years old and requires extra care as she grows older. This blog is shared with Ms. Henderson's grade 4 class as we will be doing a lot of collaborating this year. As I mentioned, when we start anew, we have excitement and wonder. Beginnings can be delicate or explosive. Beginnings hold the promise of new lessons to be learned, new territory to be explored and old lessons to be recalled, practiced and appreciated. I start this year with the hope that as we care, create and collaborate as a learning community we will discover and explore new ideas and share them with one another. Let the exploration begin!        
Ms. Henderson 

Welcome to grade 4! My name is Christina Henderson and I am thrilled to be teaching your child this year. This is my 12th year of teaching with the Calgary Board of Education. This is my fourth year at Auburn Bay School. When I am not teaching I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I enjoy a good cup of tea with a good book as well as getting outside to hike and snowshoe. Grade 4 is an exciting adventure as your child finishes elementary school. I am looking forward to being their Learning Guide. Let the exploration begin!